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What concerns that we work on:

Click on any of the following for more information about our various concerns:

  • Child Soldiers in the Great Lakes
  • Zimbabwe
  • Legislation in Congress

And even here in the Commonwealth of Virgina regarding Capital Punishment and Prison Issues

In addition to providing innovative,Crucial Data about Human Rights in Central and Southern Africa or about pending Legislation regarding Human Rights in the Virginia General Assembly
or to see any articles created by Mr. Morgan contact the Richmond Peace Educatrion Center

Child Soldiers

This is a major problem in Africa. The list goes on Sierra Leone, Liberia and Northern Uganda. The recent decision by the ICC to Investigate in Uganda does not go far enough. The Government should be investigated also. The US Congress will aslo investigate. Contact MorganRights to see what we are doing to assist in this.


This is how we began. Defending the rights of Journalists in this Southern Africa State. Now the country is imploding. First the Government curtailed the Independent Media now they want to control the Churches and Civic Groups If you want to assist us please link to our Contact page.
We also are Monitoring the Caprivi Treason Trial in Namibia and the Situation in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Ordering Information

If your group would like a presentation Or for an information packet, send an e-mail request to